Aquest dijous 9 de maig el professor i director americà de teatre musical CHRISTOPHER STEPHENS farà una Masterclass de Teatre Musical a Eòlia a l’aula Arc.

La masterclass és gratuïta i hi poden participar fins a 12 persones. La masterclass serà en anglès. Treballarà durant 45 minuts amb tot el grup i després 4 participants tindran l’oportunitat de poder cantar un tema de teatre musical davant dels assistents i treballar-lo uns 15-20 minuts amb el Christopher.

També us fem saber que l’escola AMDA de Teatre Musical, amb seus a Nova York i Los Angeles, farà audicions a Aules el dissabte 11 de maig a les 10h. Més informació a


MASTERCLASS THE SONG IS YOU   –   Thursday 6-8pm Eòlia

We all learn from each other, whether we’re a beginner singer or an experienced one. Join our judgement-free zone where you’ll make vocal sounds of every shape and size. You’ll craft a song into your very own in no time–even if you’ve never sung before! Dancers will discover that singing is physical in ways surprisingly similar to movement; actors will immediately observe a boost in their speaking voice; and musically inclined students will learn to maximize their musical and interpretive skills. Vocal coach Christopher Stephens will convince participants that if approached with the right mindset, you can own any song.

Christopher will start the session by working on a sixteen bar audition cut with the entire group, for the first 45 minutes of the session, and he will then work with four soloists for the remainder of the time.


Christopher Stephens is a voice teacher, pianist, and music director/arranger. He has worked on and off-Broadway for shows such as Matilda, Wicked, Shout! The Mod Musical, Captain Louie, Anything Goes, Bells Are Ringing, and at Carnegie Hall in Take the Stage (starring Tony Award winner Jessie Mueller). Ricky Ian Gordon, Adam Jacobs, Tina Landau, Alan Menken, Kelli O’Hara, Mandy Patinkin, and Emily Skinner are several of the many artists for whom Christopher has served as pianist. Christopher is a graduate of the University Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and Upright Citizens Brigade improvisation school.


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